“The end is where we start from.”

“What we call the beginning is often the end.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.”
——T. S. Elliot

OK, so that was my attempt at making this easier. If not easier, at least classier.

There is bad news, then there is good news.

As  Pope Lkjfdsay1 and Origin Devourer have prophesied repeatedly, we have just finished the latest completed volume of To Be a Power in the Shadows, and thus are now entering the ‘hiatus apocalypse.’ We will be going on hiatus for that series until the author finishes the next volume. Then we will resume, but at a pace of a chapter every other day, to match the author’s pace.

The bad news continues. I’m really sorry to those who enjoyed it, but I am officially dropping Megami Buchigire. What made the series fun was the summonings and reverse summonings, but the story has reached a point where the summonings have stopped (the author can’t juggle any more new characters). It’s running off of just tsukkomis and random trivia, which is not worth the hours (sometimes) that I have to put in to research the memes and correct the oftentimes incorrect or incomplete trivia. If you are a translator who wants to pick it up, be my guest, I’ll even link to your site if you send me an email or PM on Discord.

So now, onto the good news. I will be starting THREE new series! All of them are related to powers in shadows (lol), but in very different ways. This will be the release schedule:

Mon, Wed, Fri – Series A (come for the glasses, stay for the droll inner monologue)
Tue, Thu, Sat – Series B (pretty much just power tripping IRL from the shadows)
Sun – Series C (just imagine if Shadow built Shadow Garden on purpose)

All releases will be at 10am GMT+8 per usual.

So yea, hope you guys all enjoy. Look forward to them!

(I couldn’t quite decide, so ended up doing them all. Tehepero⭐)

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