Chapter 105 (start of new volume!) is up – and scheduling update

So, after trying it out this weekend, I’ve realized that 5 chapters is my limit for a weekend. Sorry about getting your hopes up. So the new schedule is a chapter every day during the week days, then no releases on Saturdays and Sundays.

Oh, but on Saturday 10am GMT+8 I’ll release all the PDF/ePUB downloads of that previous week’s releases, so those of you who prefer those can look out for that.

Here’s today’s release:

It’s the start of a new volume! Start getting geared up!

Oh, and for those of you who are sharp-eyed enough to notice that I’ve skipped a chapter number, it’s because chapter 104 was supposed to be a character review chapter. It’s basically just a brief summary on all the main characters who’ve shown up so far. So I’m leaving it on the back burner, maybe I’ll work on it during Chinese New Year when I have more free time.

Also a heads up warning: I just learned that Final Fantasy XV is being released on the PC on March 6. There is a very real chance that I might disappear when that time comes. I hope I would have enough self control to continue this while playing FF15, but, well, I have a track record already ^^” We’ll see, we’ll see.

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